Fanart-y Fun

For descriptions of the piece, and just random comments, hold the mouse over the thumbnail

The 'Happy Heads'
-A little project I did for the Message Board people. ^_^

Self Portrait! ^_^ The evil Miss Cam mein wolfy freund Chiad my partner in crime, Dissolved Girl Everybody wants their own private Eden Fenrir/Prince Janus...He tries to undermine my P0w4h, but fails miserably. Chaos mein amigo. ^_^ Otik Horak aka Jay from PPC...

Random Fanarty stuff
-Whatever I feel like at the time

Xellos from Slayers, 1998 Zelgadis from Slayers, 1998, on the same page as the previous picture Vash the Stampede and Wolfwood SD doodles. Jessy wuvs her kawaii widdle Nickie D. It's pronounced 'Te-ah-tim-eh!' The nose from Wolf's Rain

Original Anime Art
-This is probably what you'll see the most. ><

It's hard to see someone so, well, not ordinary...with a name like 'Steve'. Yeah. Well, this is Steven, from a really old original series that i did way back and would prefer not to bring up online ever again...However...I still LOVE the characters I created for it and so you'll probably see about a bajillion different versions of Stevieboy throughout this page. The Voice's tribute to Canada kicking the US's ass at hockey. ^_^ Twas fun. From L to R: Chaos Hair, Rodney the Preturbed Beaver, Fluffie Dunkie, and Yours Truely, completely blind without my glasses. I think the canadian beachwear on my part was pure genius. The story behind this one is kind of long, involves a bunch of people, some hippies, some germans, the search for rune weapons, bagpipes, 'pridified' boxes, the color pink, the Canada vs. USA olympic hockey game, and Haldir from the Lord of the Rings...All you need to know is that roleplaying is fun. There's Chaos with Zee...and, according to Chaos, the line going through Zee's head is 'What is this Canada?' Steven :: My first attempt at doing an entire image with just my Wacom...I think it turned out decently. Steven :: Every once in a while, I enter what's known as 'Amano Hanyaan mode', where I will sit down and attempt to emulate Amano-san's gorgeous art style. I failed miserably...but I still like this picture...Steven looks so pretty. Gessan :: The second attempt at just using the Wacom...If you're wondering about the fuzzyness, I had to transfer from another computer by printing and re-scanning...the disc drive doesn't work. Out of all of my friends, none love Orlando Bloom so much as Raeanne. Coleman hunts stupid people for me to slap around after I take over the world. ^_^ 
Deux :: Another original SMCHAOS character in Tech Thief mode. I've been reading too much Clover (huzzah! Lan!) Koku :: More of an exercise in drawing a person's beee-hiney than anything else. No, it's NOT Faye from Cowboy Bebop. -_-;; Raven and Mik :: Hornball Forever. =P I love the Zion crew. (more SMC BTW) Mik :: Just a concept sketch before I RPed him in Shaney-bob's RIFTS campaign...Before they took the controll chip out of his brain...the idiots. -_-;; Zekk AKA Shait :: BIIIIG prequel to SMC... Not much to tell except the scan didn't come out how I wanted it to. -_-;; None of the funny squggly lines showed up!! My pencil sketches never scan as nicely as I would like them too. Another Steven drawing, a la G-angel, and can you tell I've been reading a lot of x-men? I've been playing with my Wacom again, can you tell? Steven once more! A la G-Angel. ^_^ If the sketch of Zekk is before, the Colored Shaitain is after. ^_^ I haven't met a person yet who doesn't like Shait the best. Except Nic. But he doesn't count. ^_^ Birthday gift for Chiad. I usually end up coming up with cool shiznit at chaos's house, and I really like how The Steve came out. Cy isn't so cool, but Steve is like BAAAM! Mri'Fa: Color concept design for the allegid 'chaosborn campaign'. Mri is our siren, rich girl, and cool head in a tough situation. ^_^ Shannon gets to play the woman who can kill with a word. Callisto: Color concept design again...Can you tell I was Trekking when I designed her? No? Ah hah hah! She's our facist dictator. No really! I'm not kidding! And -Toaster- of all people is going to play her! Lychos: One half of the Pack's scariest duo, and probably the scariest charcter in the campaign. Icheese is gonna be the berzerker. Zee (Zelan Jr.): The other half of the scary pack duo, and a member of the inmate trio. Chaos Hair has the honor of playing the runty con-man. Lune: Self proclaimed gift to women, carrier of the largest weapon in the campaign, and one third of the inmate trio. BriBri managed to snag the assasin. Deux: Funny thing...everyone was fighting over him, yet he was the last to be assigned. ^_^ Agent Kumkwat of Dreist Kreuz (aka francine) gets to play the thief. He's the all around nice guy, and third member of the inmate trio. Lune: I don't normally do this...But i'm sure everyone has seen a picture before and just gone 'ohmygod! that would be perfect!' and then re-drew it and changed it. *ashamed blush* Well, even when I do, I don't normally upload them. But this one turned out so nice! It's based on a scan from Kaori Yuki's Neji(screw) that I picked up at the Temple of Lunacy. Forgive me... Dahnlin: Done on Brad Crawford with the Wacom, and actually transfered here via floppy! yay! I have a working floppy! Gessan: Again the wacom. He sure is a red head. and he sure is crosseyed. *razberry* Sue me. I had fun. Steven: Probably my favourite out of the transfered Wacom only paintings. Except that I cut off his nose...Ahh well... Varro: For some reason, the other person I draw religiously, especially with my wacom, is Jesa Jaisai's Varro character. I like how this turned out...except for the eye. The eye is wierd... Every once and a while i'll end up drawing something that looks so much like a Boy Band that I burst out laughing every time I look at it. This time it was Lune, Deux and Zee. Poor boys. I was stuck singing the theme from Pulp Fiction for about a week. This is what came out of it...Cy and Steve, a la Men in Black, or something.

My English Notes (tm)
-Random wierdness that I come up with in Lit

DG and I, being devious This is what the MST board would look like...I need to draw a new one with Tilly and some of the others in it. Beat Master Fresh :: The scary part is, he gave us this speech.If you're wondering about the coke on the clock, the story is as follows: Someone brought a coke into the lab, Beatty saw it, got pissed, ranted about carbonated beverages, then scaled the wall like spiderman to place the coke on top of the clock. I was quite impressed. Sometimes, I feel like this is the entirety of my existance. An interpretation of Cam's 'Hammock Legolas' REP :: Have you ever wondered if Vampires could catch diseases transmitted by blood such as AIDS? Jaisai has...Sometimes I wonder... (L-R) Steven, Gessan, Deux :: In some circles (namely mine) Tokyo is known as the combustable city...and it seems the fuse is the Tokyo tower. Go figure...Anime is wierd. ^_^ Ok. it started out cute, but then it screamed for the property of caption. And then I sat there and doodled all over it until it made no sense anymore. ^_^ INVISDIBLE HEPLACOPTER! The pastry and her boy. The afro and his head are scale.